Saturday, 20 September 2014

Chapter 11

RR through our eyes (Chapter 11)

From Rudra’s POV –

God also has strange ways of teaching us lessons. But he also shows us the way out. And I am hoping that he shows me a way out of this mess which I created – a mess I created then by convincing you, Paro, to break your promise and the one I created now by not able to convince you,Paro, to break your promise.

But I know the extent of love you feel for me as Myrah. God himself made me realize this when you pushed me out of the danger which was going to crash down on me. The way you threw yourself on me and went crazy with worry was enough to make me understand that though you may not remember your past. You may not have belief in my love like Paro. But you will love me just the same way.


In spite of all this you were not ready to call off your wedding with Rohit. You were still adamant to not hurt him. Rohit is not as clueless as you think Myrah. He had got your video message. He was just goading me to express my love to you – by proposing to you knowing very well that I was around. By asking me very relevant questions while I was acting drunk and then walking out at the right time so that I could confess to you. By advancing the wedding date to tomorrow so that you will realize your love for me and agree to cancel the wedding. He knew this all along. He told me yesterday once you ran to you room after saving me from the chandelier. He has also informed his and your parents quite some time back. Hence the absence of all of them. How did you miss this point Myrah ? You know him so well. How did you not know that he will never go against your wish ? He just wants you to confess it in person to him. He wants to make sure you take the right step. On your own. He clearly also let me know that he will never let this marriage happen – if turns out that you still decide to go ahead with it. He is a true friend Myrah. I have also told him everything except the fact that you are Paro. He also has not seen your earlier photos. I was not sure whether he will believe me if he had seen them. So I decided to keep quiet on that part.


Between the two of us we decided that it is better that I leave the haveli so that I do not put further pressure on you. Please come around for me Myrah. I have changed. I am not the old Rudra either. Did I not take the step and confess my love to you ? Not once but twice ? Did I not leave the letter for you so that you will miss me ? Did I not make you again feel how you will manage without me when I picked up your lehenga ? Did I not come to you in the night and run my hands in your hair ? And that chain Paro. Hope you like it and have a faint remembrance. This is the one I had wanted to buy for you along with the butterfly earrings. The earrings which you would like and this one from my side. But I never gave you this gift due to all the drama which happened that Karvachauth. I knew you had seen this gift as I saw the wrapper opened much later. After you left. Hope you remember the chain.

More than everything I hope God helps me here. Makes you cancel your wedding with Rohit. At least you agree to stay back with me and Dhruv.

I am now driving away from you Paro. And I have your Rudraksh with me. I failed you Paro. You wanted me to pursue you and find love and keep you. I tried but I failed. Now isn’t it fair that you also do your bit ? And stay back ? What if you don’t succumb to your heart ? And decide to go ahead with the wedding. But Rohit will stop it. He promised. I wonder whether I can trust him. Did I make a grave mistake ? By believing him and leaving you behind ? You haven’t even called me yet. Oh what have I done ? Paro tere liye, I have to come back. I cannot just wait anymore for you.

Rohit’s POV

How much more time should I put up with this charade ? To act as if none of my senses are working ?

As if I have not seen Rudra while proposing to Myrah

As if I did not plan the entire act

As if I did not goad Rudra to talk about his pain and love

As if I got a call when I knew very well Rudra will confess

As if I never saw the concern and love Myrah felt for Rudra

Myrah, when will you come running to me to repeat the lines you left for me in the video message ? Why are you still hesitating ? I want to just hear it from you babe. So that I can be sure this is what you want. That you want to marry Rudra.

You know I already had a long discussion with Rudra. I am convinced that he loves you. From the bottom of his heart. So please Myrah realize your own love for him and cancel our wedding. I have promised your parents and mine that I will never make you do anything against your wish. Please do not make me cancel the wedding. Do it yourself. For your sake. For Rudra’s. And mine.

And here you are. Thank God. Myrah, I am fine. Please go after your love. Bring him back and get married to him. I wish you all the best. I will remain your friend always. Your best friend.

The only thing I do not understand is how did Rudra get those edited pictures of yours ? With him. Well maybe love makes people do strange things.

From Rudra’s POV –

Oh Myrah. Why are you running out like that and straight into my car. Tumhe Kuch Ho Jaata To. Oh my love. Why are you crying ? I have no intention of letting you go. Never will. Shhhhh, see I have come back for you. You don’t have to tell me why you stopped the wedding. I know. I know that you love me. And I love you too. Dhruv, this is not Myrah. This is your mummy. And that is the only thing I can tell you now. The rudraksh is finally back where it belongs. Paro, we will be together. Always. You , me and Dhruv.
We need to start the wedding preparations now Myrah. Though you are my legally wedded wife. In a way it will be good to take you through a dream wedding than the one I put you through last time. Thank GOD for small mercies.

(to be continued..........)


  1. OMG!! I love the FF. Its amazing. Honestly this made me so emotional thinking of Rangrasiya. Update soon!
    Preggy (IndiaForums)

    1. Preggy,

      Yay......The first comment on the blog. Thank you. Am really happy that you liked it. Till now it was only my writing. Going forward you will get better chapters from Diya. I can assure you of that.

  2. JJ nice include Myrah's POV...there has to be some kind of recollections of specific the bracelet...she ponders over it....(DD)

    1. Yes. Myrah's POV is the most difficult for me to write. Maybe I can force Diya to write that :-) And thanks for the mention of her pondering over the bracelet. Need to rewatch the scene

      Thanks DD for the comments. Means a lot.

    2. Yes, I will do Myrah's POV for sure :-) Give me some time please, I am travelling the next three weeks, but will try my best to put in some thing from Myrah. If not in the next few weeks, then definitely as soon as I return home.

  3. You guys are simply awesome.....this is beautiful ........I am so happy. We, the Parud lovers can can finally heave a sigh of relief.....the best part is that we can go back to watching the old episodes of RR ...oh wow....if you guys could see me now, you will see tears of happiness flowing from my eyes...thank you.
    ( babyji ) India Forums

    1. Thanks a lot babyji. My pleasure. I was so upset about the way the story was going. We all had so much Hope and Faith. But in the end nothing worked. So I though why not write with the Kamaal Ka Twist which Ashish mentioned ?

      So happy to know that it made you happy

    2. Thank you JJKKL ....we all were upset but thanks to you all it's not over yet....Our hope & faith can not bite dust ...we have invested too much in it to let it go waste....
      What is a show ? It's someone's imagination.....what we saw of Parud was imagination too....not reality so WHY does that imagination have to be at the mercy of a bunch of CVs ? Why do we beg them to give us an end that justifies true, ETERNLE , soulmate love ? We can do it ourselves & you have started it already here I raise a toast to the beautiful , soulful journey of our Parud.

  4. Fantastic! So I can relive Parud romance once again . Thank you.kisses to you all.

    1. Thanks a lot Fiza. Yes we need Parud romance badly to survive. After all as babyji said it is all in the imagination. CVs or us - does not matter much

  5. thanx a lot 4 this lovely ff
    waiting 4 next update

    parud forever

    1. Thanks ParudForever. For future updates can you please subscribe or follow me on twitter

  6. This was wonderful guys. .. Looking forward to the rest. Cant wait.


    1. Thanks Sam. Glad you liked it. We will try to update at the earliest. Please subscribe or follow me in twitter @JJKKLIFTKARADEY so that I can inform you of updates.

  7. JJ and Diya it's a fantastic idea to keep Parud alive. So glad to find this space. I have subscribed and will follow this blog. I'm very poor in commenting, but I assure you, that i will be a part in this journey as a reader:)

    1. Thanks Lakshmi. If the CVs cannot do it then somebody has to - right ? Thanks for subscribing. I would definitely like you to comment. Would like to know what you think of each chapter. And thanks for the encouragement

  8. Thank you jjkkl . What I thought has ended has actually begun with a bang. Keep it up.
    Harshuu from India forums

    1. Hi Harshuu, Thanks for liking our blog. Had no intention of letting such a great story die the way it did :-) Please keep posting your comments. Please subscribe or follow me in twitter @JJKKLIFTKARADEY so that I can inform you of the updates.

  9. Wow thank u soo much for the pm... u bring out their inner turmoil soooo well

    1. Thanks Kulfi. Did you read the prologue ? That was the thought process behind the blog. Please subscribe in the blog or follow me in twitter @JJKKLIFTKARADEY so that I can inform you of updates.

  10. Hi JJ,
    Caught up with all the chapters. I am not going to elaborate too much on the chapters.
    Enjoyed your story so far and am looking forward to the next one.
    I will check this blog everyday for updates.
    Take care.


    1. Hey thanks Kerrie. Glad to know you enjoyed it.I have seen you always referring to Myrud as estranged Parud. If you have any ideas or twists in mind in this context please let me know through IF PM. We can incorporate that :-)

  11. till now uve just maneuvered the things shown in the show from the perspective of Parud Lovers. please please show us the love and the journey of myrah realising that she is paro

  12. Hi Henamani, Thanks for reading and commenting. We had to go with the flow RR2.0 was showing us with just a few twists. Were waiting to take it to the same end scene. Now we will start one our own story. And yes among other things journey of Myrah to Paro is also planned :-)

  13. Jjjkkl this is Fiza1960... Thank you my dear for doing what the creators couldn't. Thank you for giving us our Paro back. From here on this & Zara's FF will be my only saviours.

    1. Hi Fiza, thanks a lot. Glad you liked. Looking forward to your comments in the future too

  14. Jjjkkl don't worry about informing me. I have bookmarked this page & I check it 6-7 times daily to read all the comments so there is no way that I can miss it.

    1. Hi there, WHo are you ? Kam se Kam Naam toh likhiye.......... Am so glad you check the site 6-7 times daily. You made my day ...

    2. Harshuu from IF jjjkkl . Sorry forgot to mention

  15. OMG ! OMG ! JJKKL......I just read the prologue....... it's to die for.....funny that I am going backwards,lol....God, I can't imagine I missed that ...phew...anyway,better late than never......Pl post the link to everyone on the creative guys ROCK

    1. Good Na ? Posting to creative team is not now. Much much later. When the blog becomes a hit. Till then we will keep it as it is. Under the wraps.

  16. A wonderful written chapter. So glad Rohit knows the truth about Myrah and Rudra. But I think he shouldn't have waited till the last moment.He should have confronted Myrah about it.
    Will want to know Myrah's pov

    1. Both Rohit and Rudra are aware of the fact that they should not push Myrah to do anything. Probably because they are aware of her nighmares and her counselling sessions.

      Myrah's POV is the tough one for me. Am waiting for Diya to write it when sh gets times.

      Many are asking for the same :-)

  17. I love how you tweeked the story and still maintain that Myrah is Paro. So Rohit is a nice guy who just wants her to be happy even if its without him. How much has Rudra told him though?
    - Rithu from IF

    1. Hi Rithu, Nice to see you here. Yes Rudra was not completely open with him. For all you know Rohit could also be hiding something. Can we predict human beings ? :-)

      Please subscribe to the blog if you like the FFand if you are okay to do so. Will make it easier for us to get updates sent automatically.

  18. just read all 11 parts

    loved that Myrah is Paro, hope she starts to remember soon

    1. Hi Seeta, Thanks for reading and commenting. There are two more chapters - FYI. 12 and 13 :-) Are you from IF ?

    2. Seeta, just saw that you have the same name in IF also. Please ignore the previous question

  19. Simply loving this, update it please !
    ~ Piccola

    1. Nice to see you here Piccola. Thanks for liking it. Did you check out Chapters 12 and 13 ?

  20. Mast mast.just loved how u have added the show wale details perfectly into your write-up, so the show has ended but not for me as I have your FFs to keep me entertained..yippee :-))

    1. That we decided upfront. That show and the FF should merge. Else it will be difficult for the readers to accept the rest of the story. Glad to know that you enjoyed the ride so far.

  21. Amazing concept! I have read till chapter 11 and it is nice to see every single detail from the show in your story. What I liked the most about your write up is how you have managed to make the flaws and loopholes in the actual storyline into new twists,and turns

    1. Thanks. For reading from start and liking it. Hope you like the later chapters too. BTW, what is your name ?

  22. they are confusing me
    and paro sorry myrah too
    hmmm good she stopped the wedding
    or else that would be three lives ruined
    actually four
    lets not forget dhruv naa
    marrying her again
    dont we need parents permission
    but they arent her parents are they
    though for her they are
    and so they are for rudra
    hmmm he came back
    course he did
    he couldnt leave her could he
    though he didnt wanna pressurise her
    and he didnt
    once again she chose to be with him
    thats good
    but still everything aint okay
