RR through our eyes (Chapter 16)
big thanks to Mano (Multimedia) for the edits.
Going forward we will be able to post only one Chapter per week :-(
There was no way
Myrah could refuse to listen to such emotional pleas from her parents to put
the wedding on hold till they reach India. She agreed – rather reluctantly.
She could not move
her legs. Even after her parents had logged off. Even after she sat there for
more than 45 mins. She was not sure whether she did the right thing. To bow to
the pressure from the other side of the world. And to take a decision regarding
her life – their life – hers and Rudra’s – without even consulting him. She did
not want to anger her Daddy more than she already has. How could she have brought Rudra back to the
room to discuss the point of putting the wedding on hold ? What would have been
his reaction ? Will he be as apprehensive of her parent’s motive as she was
right now ?
“Are you okay Myrah
? “ She was startled hearing Rudra’s voice. “Eh...yeah I am fine” she replied.
Not sounding convincing to her own ears.
“What happened ?
You seem to be in a shock. Is the call over ? What did your parents say to
upset you ? “ Myrah detected concern in Rudra’s voice in the first question
which by the time he reached the last one had turned to one of annoyance. She
was surprised by the way Rudra could read her. How he could figure out that she
was in a shock.
“My parents want to
be present for our wedding” Myrah ventured. That was not the full truth. But
the best way to start it.
“Oh that is good.
They could get tickets for the earliest flight ? I am so glad. I would have
otherwise felt that I robbed them of the chance for witnessing their daughter’s
wedding” Rudra replied. “But wait a minute, why you are so upset about their
coming to India ? You don’t want them to be part of our marriage ceremony ? Why
The thought that
the wedding which they had all finalised for the day after tomorrow will get
postponed, never crossed Rudra’s mind. Some things are a given for him. Written
on stone. Like the wedding date of him and Myrah is fixed. And in his mind any
other event has to adjust to suit these decisions.
“No they did not
get the tickets. It is a vacation time and the earliest I expect them to get
tickets is after a week “
“Kay Matlab ?”
There was en edginess in his voice. And his face has become stern. Rudra
finally got an inkling on what the next news is going to be. He did not want to
hear it confirmed.
He cut short Myrah’s line. “ We are getting married as decided Myrah. I
do not want to wait any longer. God knows I have waited long enough to have you
back in my life. “ Myrah could see his fist tightening. His face ready to burst
with anger. Eyes sharp emanating heat. A different form of Rudra from the one
she had ever seen..
Not the one she saw
even when she cracked a joke about Paro committing suicide. That was an
outburst filled with regret
Not the Rudra she
saw when she decked up in Paro’s clothes unknowingly. That was an outburst
filled with longing and sadness
This one was pure
anger. Angry at the turn of events. Myrah felt terrified. This was not the
Rudra she knew. She felt suffocated for the second time that day. On one hand
was her father’s anger towards her and her decision. And on the other hand the
anger of Rudra at the change of plans. She felt her heart constrict. Her lungs
struggling to take in the air. She stretched her hand out to hold onto
something for support. “Rudra..” she called out.
Her voice shook him
out of his anger. He could clearly see that she was suffering. She held onto
her. Pulled her against him. Supported her and made her sit. And she fainted in
his arms.
Luckily his BSD
instincts kicked in. From the volcano which is about to erupt he became the
caring parent. He carried her to bed. Fetched water and sprinkled it on her
face. Cradled her face against him. Stroking her hair and face. Whispering
soothing words and rocked her gently till her breathing returned to normal. He
realized his own breath was caught till she became okay. Indicating clearly
that his life depended on her. As if his lungs can function only if hers work

“Tum Thik Ho ?”
Rudra queried. “Haan. Aur Aap ?” she asked trying to open her eyes. She was in
a daze. He could see that. The words were slurred. “Main theek hoon Paro. “ he
replied. He could see relief washing over her face and a hint of a smile before
she turned her face against his shoulder and fainted again.
It was Maithili who
called for the doctor after she came running hearing Rudra’s scream
Rohit had retired
to his room once Myrah and Rudra started the skype call. There was nothing more
for him to do there. He was not sure how the call would have progressed. But he
did expect some displeasure from Myrah’s parents side. He had deliberately not
told them about Rudra’s first marriage and Dhruv. It was not in his position to
part with that info. It was up to Myrah how she wanted to present Rudra and his
family. He felt he has already let down his and Myrah’s parents down. They all
knew how much himself and Myrah were close. And both the set of parents liked
their friendship and had hoped and prayed that it turned into an alliance. And Myrah did agree before she came to India
and what a celebration they had that day. Rajeev and Poonam thanked him for
being the man whom Myrah can look upto and trust. A man who knew about her
accident and her nightmares. The issues she went through. A man whom she can
rely on. And what did he do ? Just let her go to Rudra. Without even putting up
a good fight. Whether he is doing the right thing or not – only time will tell.
He was woken up
from his deep sleep by Rudra’s scream. Once Rohit found out about Myrah’s
fainting he knew what had to be done. Before the doctor arrived he collected
all the medicines of Myrah, her medical files and was ready for the doctor.
Discussed in detail with him about her condition. Consulted with Myrah’s doctor
in US about the treatment proposed by the visiting doctor, got his confirmation
and made sure everything was done to take care of Myrah. Rohit went back to his
room only after Myrah opened her eyes and smiled. And that is when he realised
that he will do anything to see that smile on her face. If it is Rudra who will
bring the smile – so be it.
Rudra was in a
trance during the doctor’s visit. When Myrah was given injections and the drip.
While she was unconscious and later after she opened her eyes - Rudra lived every
horrible moment of the day years back. He remembered how on that fateful day he
had tried in vain to get Paro to open her eyes. He remembered when the doctor
came that day. Checked Paro’s pulse and put Paro in the ambulance and took her
to the hospital. When Rudra followed her to the hospital and waited in the
corridor next to the ICU with little Dhruv in hand. Every dreaded moment of his
life – he relived today. Made him aware of what he can lose again if he is not
careful with his words and actions.
Paro needed Rudra
to protect her – physically. He could not provide that. Paro needs him now to
protect her mentally. Paro in the form of Myrah needs his emotional support. He
did not want to fail this time. Come what may he decided to control his anger.
To make sure he made Myrah comfortable emotionally. What will help her sail
through this tough phase is his calmness and understanding. In the past Paro
could put up with all his anger issues. His shouting and “Jallad”
behaviour. Paro as Myrah is a different
personality. He has to accept that. And respect it. He can in no way expect
Myrah to understand him as well as Paro used to. Till she remembers everything
and realises that she is Paro. Till then he has to be her anchor. Her
rocksteady support to get them both across the raging waves.
Rudra was brought
back to the reality when Kakusa shook his shoulder. The doctor was giving clear
instructions to Rudra and others to take care of Myrah and to not give her any
more shocks. And one by one everybody retired to their own rooms. Rudra lied
down next to Myrah keeping an eye on the drip. His life has been a roller
coaster ride ever since he can remember. Yesterday after Myrah called off her
wedding and declared her desire to wed Rudra – he expected life to be smooth at
least now. But NO. God has different plans looks like.
Maithili was in
deep thought even after she retired to her room. Samrat pacified her saying
Myrah will be fine now. That with the medicines she will become okay very soon.
Little did Samrat know that what worried Maithili was not Myrah’s physical
health. It was Rudra who troubled her. His screaming Paro which troubled her.
Maithili had asked Rudra to move on. Actually encouraged him to move on because
she felt Rudra saw Myrah as Myrah. Maithili was also responsible to some extent
to push Myrah to take a call stay back and get married to Rudra. Now she
wondered whether she did the right thing. Is Devarjisa seeing Paro in Myrah ?
If yes that can only spell doom in the future. Not to mention that hiding ir
from Myrah is unfair to the poor girl.
Somewhere in the
early morning hours, just before he slipped into sleep, Rudra could not help
remembering how Myrah asked him “Aur Aap ?” the way Paro used to. Only if Myrah
wakes up remembering she is Paro. Only if wishes came true..........He was
reminded of the quote “Whisper your wish to a butterfly and it will fly upto
heaven and make it come true “ Butterfly ? He was reminded of Paro’s titli.
Where are you Rukmini ? Hear my wish for myself and Paro. For Paro to remember
that I am her Rudra. Make it happen dear........