RR through our eyes (Chapter 20)
Thanks to Diya and Amy for reviewing this chapter and providing feedback
In the palace the next day night Thakur received a call from the same number. “Thakursa, did you see the picture I sent through the messenger?” asked the voice at the other end.
“Yes. I saw it. It looks suspiciously similar to Parvati. Do you have any more info than what you informed the messenger? And I was expecting you to be here in person. Isn't that what we agreed ? I do not like people who go back on their word.” Tejawat was used to things happening as per his command. His displeasure was quite explicit in his words. Had it been his kingdom and his Raaj the receiving party would have met with the sword and not words. Just a rearrangement of a letter you see....
“Forgive me Thakursa. I was planning to come myself but the drama which unfolded back here made me stay back. I was not sure whether I could reach your palace without being seen. So I decided to meet our old messenger in the town and pass on the photo and the information. “
“Theek Hai. Theek Hai. Keep an eye on her and inform me of the developments.“ Thakursa was in his authoritative best.
“Yes of course. I will”
The phone went dead and the person who called spent the next one hour wondering about the bargain which can be struck with Tejawat regarding Myrah. If Myrah is indeed Parvati then steps need to be taken. Nipping in the bud is the best way forward and one needs a powerful ally in the process. Who better than Tejawat?
Tejawat cannot and will not forget or forgive Rudra. The damage he has suffered in Rudra’s hands was beyond repair or so it looked but Tejawat was not one to give up so easily. Blood and sweat are the main ingredients for building an empire and to build an empire back from the ruins need more of the same two and Thakursa did just that. Rudra and BSD had almost decimated his team of loyal workers but Tejawat was not one to lose heart. Parvati’s wedding and subsequent discovery of BSD and the case had led a part of the village to view the Thakur with suspicion. He had to do lot of good over a year to get those people also on board. He conducted several real marriages with grooms across the border to instill the faith in him.
Years back he had given a push in the right direction to the people of the village by murdering innocents in the name of BSD. He made the janata believe that BSD is not for their protection. He, Thakur Param Singh Tejawat is the protector. Now he resorted to kidnappings for ransom to impress upon the poor that his absence and lack of power had led to chaos in the village. He claimed helplessness to save those who got kidnapped because he did not have enough men on his side. He knew there is no dearth of people in the country waiting to be brainwashed. Waiting to use all that strength and energy of the youth in any activity if they get a leader, A leader with high levels of influencing skills. That is one skill which Thakursa had in abundance. He lured the younger men into his camp through these stories and preaching. Like a seasoned politician he created trouble in the dark and then was present to solve them in the day – in front of everybody. Slowly but surely he got back the faith of the villagers. Then over the remaining years he was back to arms trading through other channels.
He was not a fool to go behind Rudra and BSD now and to get into trouble. Yes Thakur is a man of huge ego but he is also an intelligent man. He will never allow ego to get the better of him. He will wait to see how the story unfolds about the girl, before taking any steps.
In the haveli the next two days went off at the blink of an eye. As far as Rudra was concerned it did not go the way he was hoping it would. After the short time he got with Paro – no not Paro, it is Myrah – he has to remind himself. He cannot refer to her as Paro and complicate things further. After the short time he got with Myrah in the afternoon the number of members in the household increased by three and that made it more difficult for him to get Myrah alone. Sunehri was always a big fan of Paro, her beauty, her petite frame and above all her slender waist. And now she was a bigger fan of Myrah. A romantic at heart Sunehri wanted to know all about Myrah’s first meeting with Rudra, who fell for whom first, who confessed love first and when and how they decided to get married and the ladies started discussing all wedding purchases and functions and preparations. Their plans to greet Myrah’s parents were one of their favorite topics. Arrangements about who will sleep where. With so many guests in the house they had to get the servants to clear up a few unused rooms. Get them decorated and so on and so forth.
To add to this hectic schedule of Myrah, Rudra had to be in the office for longer hours due to a kidnapping case. The case was present last week itself but took a new turn with it turning out that our of the two girls who were kidnapped – one was a daughter of a minister from the south. Making it a high profile case and the minister did not want the media to be involved. The police were of course doing their investigation. But the minister had sent two of his trusted security personnel to work with Rudra’ agency to track the case.
When Myrah was not well Rudra could spend the night next to her bedside. Now he had to follow the rules of the haveli – which he himself had proudly announced to Rohit earlier – and gracefully move back to sharing the room with Rohit. Dhruv – the lucky guy – was back to his room with Myrah. Rudra was jealous of Dhruv for the first time. Well, he consoled himself. It is just a matter of a few days before the three of them can cuddle together.
But then time has a strange quality. Sometimes you feel time is moving so slow and some other times that it is too fast. The same time frame can have different effect on you depending on where you are zooming in. The two days went off just like that for Rudra but if he zoomed in into the nights – it went so slow. He was so impatient for the morning sun to rise so that he can get up and in the pretext of waking up Dhruv, meet Myrah. Keep staring at her while she slept peacefully looking gorgeous and flawless. Then he felt time sped like a rocket because he would not have had his fill of looking at Myrah before Dhruv wakes up or Bhabhisa comes in or his phone rings. So you see the speed at which time moves depends on the level of abstraction at which you are viewing it.
He made multiple attempts to get Myrah alone for a few minutes but it was too much of a distraction in the haveli. This is one of the issues of being in a joint family. After a few futile attempts he started getting irritated with Myrah. He felt she was not putting in any effort to be alone with him. It was as if she was going with the flow. Enjoying the undivided attention her two Bhabhisas and Sunehri was giving her. Not to mention Dhruv, Koel and Saurabh who wanted to hear putppet stories from her. This annoyed him. Short of pulling her hand dragging her away like a cave man he had tried everything and failed. Dragging her around is not new to Rudra. From the time he can remember he has been doing that to Paro but then he was younger and not a father of a child. He was a Jallad and he used to act before thinking. He remembered the umpteen numbers of times he had pulled Paro to his room. Well time and Paro have changed him.
Finally on Saturday night after dinner while Myrah was still in the kitchen helping Maithili and Sunehri, while Dhruv was fast asleep and the rest of the household had already retired to their respective rooms – Rudra went to the terrace. There were all the signs of an upcoming storm. It was windy and chill. He was recalling some of the nights he and Paro had slept on this rooftop, under one blanket, him troubling her with his “Chupthi Daadi” Her trying to twist his moustache and pulling each other’s legs - soon turning to playful foreplay - turning to something intense.

It always started with one of them being miffed with the other and coming here to register the protest. It was almost a ritual with them. That the one who is upset will be here first. And then the other person has to follow and manaofy!! The ritual was limited to the venue and the sequence in which they should visit the venue and the final act..
Whatever happened in between was never a ritual. It was different everytime. The sweet whisperings, the feather touches, the longing, the intense looks, who was the hunter and the hunted, the twists, the turns, the songs, the dances, the push and the pull, the duration , locking of hands, eyes, legs, hearts, the intensity of the romance and passion, nok jhok, love bites, scratches........ Everything was unpredictable. The memories gave him shivers, Shivers of excitement. He has been missing having Paro in his hands let alone doing manmaani with her. He folded his hands and rubbed the forearms.
Right from the initial days it was Paro who came after him whenever he was in mental agony. And it was him who went to her when she was in physical pain. They always will seek the other out.
When Rudra took Mohini’s slap for Paro it was not the physical pain which hurt him. It was the sadness he felt at that time for Paro not being on the same side of him with regards to her opinion about Tejawat. Knowing that Paro who stood up for her Jija whom she has known for a few days, knowing the kind of deep love Paro is capable of made him sad. Sad that the way things are he will never be able to bask in her love. In spite of being angry with him she had sought him out that day. To apply the lep – the lep to his mind – in the pretext of the lep for his wound.

He had waited like a lion in his den. He was sure that the kind hearted person that Paro is will not be able to go to sleep till she could bring some relief to Rudra. To Rudra the Jallad who protected her from the slap. Rudra pretended to be asleep till she was very near him. Till she bent down and applied the paste with a trembling finger. The tremble that passed through him the moment her finger touched him made him open his eyes immediately. He had not planned to do that so fast. He had wanted to wait till she attended to his wound. Once he opened his eyes he could not just hold himself back. He caught hold of her hand. Flipped her and tossed her to the other side of the bed with him on top. So that he could gaze at her lovely eyes. Those eyes did not hold any love for him then. But he knew they had gratitude and he knew they had sadness for him. That will do. He wanted to see that for himself. He wanted to loose himself in her eyes and make her see him in close quarters.
The one time when he was mentally upset and Paro could not come to him consciously was in the BSD office, when he was upset by the words of the bereaving mother, mother of the soldier who was killed in the baraat confrontation.

Even at that time when he was broken down against the mirror and crying his heart out he felt some comfort after a while. As if he was being pacified. As if suddenly someone was healing him an passing on support and comfort. Only after a few minutes did he realize that the soothing feeling came from his hands joined to Paro’s across the mirror. She had unknowingly helped him through the grief even then. He was so startled at the discovery that he jerked away from the mirror. At the thought that he can get comfort from a beautiful woman.
The next time her touch affected him was in the BSD hospital. While he was still living his nightmare with open eyes Paro who was in her sleep called out to him. She was seeing the nightmare in her sleep and she cried out for help.

He sprang to his feet and was beside her within seconds. He cooed “Shaant” multiple times. Held her hands and supported her head from hitting the cot. When it was not enough he put his entire body’s weight on her covering her her legs with his own and after a few minutes when she was at peace he was left wondering – whether he was her balm or she hers. The calmness and “sukoon” he felt was something the medicines could not give him.
Paro, what are you doing down there? I miss you. Don’t you realize that I am in pain? That I need you dear. That I need a moment to be with you, I need to touch you, hold you to get the strength from you, To cling to you to keep myself from going insane.
He looked at his watch. It was way past mid night. Myrah must have gone to sleep by now. He must have been standing and dreaming for a couple of hours.
“How did you know I am here ?” Rudra asked without turning. He had sensed her presence – sixth sense - before he smelt her and heard her footsteps.
He smiled into the dark night. She remembered this. Where to find me. That is a small step towards happiness.
“How did you know it was me ?” Myrah asked.
“ I know “ Rudra whispered turning towards her. “ I always know”
“I don’t know” Myrah replied
“Kya ?” he queried
“I don’t know how I knew that you are here. I had gone to bed and even dozed off. Was woken up by a dream about someone waiting for me in the terrace. I kept my hand on the person. He turned and then I saw your face and I woke up. It was as if you came in my mind and told me to get here” He smiled listening to her.
Why is it that she remembers things only when she is sedated or half asleep? He wondered. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and hug her tightly. But he wanted to see whether she will make the first move, whether she will remember their ritual. He just turned back and stared into the sky.
“Go to sleep Myrah. You look tired”
For almost a minute she did not say anything. He was afraid she will do as told and go back.
“Naaraz ho? Are you angry Rudra? That I did not come to you to spend time alone the whole day? I could not, you know. With so many people around it looked quite impossible to slip away“ She sounded a little apprehensive of his reaction. “I know I should have tried to slip away earlier. Maybe I should have tried harder but they were all so nice to me, showering me with affection. It was hard to push them away.”
Rudra pretended to be annoyed and turned away from her.
“It is okay. I understand. It is not easy............” He stopped midway when he felt her hand on his upper arm. He waited with bated breath. Oh Paro........
“You know Rudra. You always say something which you don’t mean. Your face belies your words. I know you are angry with me“ She tugged his hand and turned him to face her.
Usually it is Paro who has difficulty in breathing when he is near. Whose voice goes guchud muchud when he touches her aAnd here he was tongue tied in front of his Paro. Waiting for the magic to unfold, waiting for Myrah to turn into Paro. He knew it was not possible for a miracle to happen overnight or during the night for that matter but atleast for the hour. For the present. Pal Bhar ke liye hi sahi. Only if she becomes his Paro.
“Forgive me. Please. I am ready to do anything you want me to. I’m ready for any punishment but forgive me please“
“Anything?” Rudra asked remembering the similar discussion years back in the aangan.
“Kuch Bhi” Myrah crooned. Did he imagine the change in her accent?
That was all the assurance he needed. He was thankful to God for giving him this moment. This repeat performance. He pulled her with more than necessary force and she tumbled into him. He enveloped her in his hands as he held her tight. As if by doing so he can bring back all her memories. As if he wanted nothing more in this world than be one with her. How much he has been missing this? This feeling of comfort. Of contentment. Which he could find only in Paro’s embrace. He slowly moved his head to her hair and inhaled deeply her scent. A heady sweet smell which always made him lose himself in her. He inhaled like a man who got locked in a box inhales the moment he is set free. A deep breath. If she were a bottle of perfume his inhalation would have consumed her fully. Such was the depth. This will do for now. Rudra thought. More than enough to see him through the coming days.
“You are forgiven. De Di Maafi” Rudra whispered against her ears.
When she replied her voice was filled with merriment, “Bas? That is all it takes? Your anger goes away so fast Rudra ?” She teased him and slowly moved her hands which were pressed against his chest and closed them around him. Now their hearts were beating in resonance. He could feel it. He pulled her further into him – if that was even possible.
He just could not stop now. Can he? Just like the river has to reach the ocean. Just like the rain has to pour down and seep in through the crevices in the rock. Just like the waves have to crash against the shore. This dialogue has to be completed. It has to reach it’s destination. Their dialogue.
“Panga Mat Le” he growled and could sense her shiver as an answer.
“I know. I know that I will repent.” She replied with anticipation brimming in her voice.
Quote: Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.
HI JJ...
ReplyDeleteIf this is a duplicate comment I do apologize. Had tried to post a comment from my phone, but was not successful...at least it appeared to not be.
Read the chapter quickly but will reread later.
Enjoyed the chapter. They are getting more intense now. Kudos!!
Tejawat - he is a worthy opponent and I like the build up for a future showdown. Into kidnappings now. Hoping the Birpuris are not all brainwashed again and he should have some local rebellious youth as well.
Rudra's flashbacks are a delight to read. There is so much unfinished love and longing in his heart.
Not enough "Myrah" time, but such is life in the Ranawat family. Loved their midnight tryst on the terrace.
Waiting for the Mehra's arrival....even less time for Paro/Myrah and Rudra.
Take care.
Hi Kerrie, First one to comment !! Thanks dear. No duplicate comments came through
DeleteGlad you enjoyed it. Both Tejawat and Rudra's flashbacks. ope you will comment more after reading it again. How did you know I posted ?
Lovely update and very special to me because the BSD hospital scene was in the first whole epi I ever watched. As you wrote about it, it brought back so many memories...watched RR first times, joined IF, meeting you all...
ReplyDeleteBut back to the chapter: the way you wrote about Rudra's memories... flashback was beautifully written, it was pure delight to read it. And I feel sorry for Rudra since he can't tell the truth to Myrah/Paro. There is so much tension in Rudra's mind and heart.
"If Myrah is indeed Parvati then step need to be taken" <- this sentence made me nervous. What is Tejawat's next move? Surely he will take some action because he has too much to lose here.
And the end of the chapter...interesting...waiting for the next chapter.
Superb update and beautifully written!
Thanks Mira. BSD hospital scene is one of my favorites too. Glad it brought you back the good memories.
DeleteQuite glad you liked the chapter and the writing. Poor Rudra. Yes.
Arey Wah...So this is what the second thanks is all about ;)...I guessed it was to do with your story but not like this..Though am humbled I can't take the credit myself as you know why ..You are a genius writer JJ...Its your vision which is displaying beautifully here..
ReplyDeleteComing to the chapter, it was wonderful..So Teju going to strike soon..waiting for him..the most handsome and dashing villain I have ever witnessed reduced to a mere puppet in the end..sighs..Glad to see his original form in your story..Thumbs up...
Aww..a lovely terrace scene..All the lovely PARUD moments...beautiful flow of words..totally mesmerized me..Wonderful writing JJ..
Now both my gutter and non-gutter imagination running wild ;).. Will wait and decide which one won in your next update..
DeleteIf you had not posted those HD caps of the BSD hospital scene and the hald lep scene I would not have thought of connecting them to the chapter. So ek thanks toh banta hai na ?
Feeling so great after reading such wonderful comments about the chapter. Thank you. Let me not spoil the suspense of gutter/non-gutter now. Till next week.........
Not late this time. Yayyy!! Ok! I did my happy dance, now coming to the chapter .... Beautiful ....just Beautiful JJ.
ReplyDeleteParo followed her dream and reached her destiny, the way you connect small small things is wonderful.
Relived all those beautiful intense moments and the hug they had in the aangan was so beautiful as they both are on the same page that time and felt the same passion again. About Tejawat I'll worry later for now I'm on the terrace enjoying this couple.
Not late at all. And I can visualise your DAZZLING happy dance.
DeleteThanks a lot for liking the writing. Actually the HDcaps Deepa posted gave me the idea. Yes let us worry about Tejawat and his informer another time. Terrace it is for now ...........
Hi jj,
ReplyDeleteNice update nd reliving parud best moments , oh god their scenes were so unique to other couples of tv.
i think parud story was first soulmate story of indian tv sadly got poor ending
Bt thanks to guys who are justifying soulmate thing with ur writing.
waiting fr ur next update.
Thanks jayashree. Yes Parud are unique. Aren't they ? GLad you liked it
Deletehey !!! this is another awesome piece of writing dear.
ReplyDeleteI am loving how you have interwoven the past encounters of Parud in new ineteractions betweeen Rudra- Myrah. Rudra's longing for Paro is so poignant and soulful. He longs for her to sense his pain again and here she comes looking for him...aah ! so beautiful.
Every chapter is turning out to be better than the earlier one! Your choice of scenes and dialogues has been very creative specially when you are putting it on Rudra - Myrah( PARO).
Lovely chapter.... how I wish the real RR could have gone this way...it would have had scope of doing and exploring so much in terms of the storyline / characterisation etc. but no! they had to run it down...
Loving the story.. thanks for writing it so well.
Thank youuuuuuuuuu Ruchi. Deepa's HD caps gave me the idea. You know it is all in one's mind. If we want we can connect things to achieve what is in our mind.
DeleteAbhi zyada pressure mat daalo. Each one better than the earlier one ? Yeah right. You have no clue how much I struggled to write this. Anyway will catch you on twitter
Glad you liked it
super dear, i liked it. read it at the night and fully rudra's dream oly :)
ReplyDeleteWoW. Only Rudra's dream ? What about Paro ? You assumed you are Paro ?
DeleteThanks Praba for liking the writing
Poor Rudra just wanted some alone time with Myrah
ReplyDeleteLoved their terrace time together
Seems she sub-consciously remembers some things
Thanks Seeta, Rudra always wanted Paro for himself. Remember ? Yes Paro remembers a few things. Question is when will things be back to normal
DeleteAww. That was such a beautiful part! Loved the insight in PaRud's happily married life. With 1.5 month remaining, I would have gladly watched parud's honeymoon and detailed pregnancy track. But sigh. But in this part, I found their tradition to be very endearing. And unconsciously, Myrah continued their "tradition".
ReplyDeleteI am really curious about this messenger. For some reason it seems like it is someone very close to Rudra. Possibly someone from the family (though I hope I am wrong). With the return of Tejawat, I hope there will be a proper ending to his character and he gets deserving punishment--unlike in the show where they brushed it all aside.
Superbb awsome update
ReplyDeleteLoved the chapter Clap
ReplyDeleteWow wow wow Day Dreaming
You make me RR come alive all over again, how it used to be Smile
hello dear!!
ReplyDeleteI have gone and posted my comments on chapter 19 and 20 on the blog. Had re-read chapter 19 last nite bcoz you showed Rudra's loss unlike the way it was rushed in the serial.
The leap etc. that time was ridiculous!!! I could never come to terms with how ruthlessly they had killed Paro, then rushed through his pain and anguish as if he had not lost Paro but some cattle! and then they rushed through to bring in Myrah. I hated all this so much, may be that was one reason I just did not accept the Myrah - Rudra story and never will. Ouch
anyways what is done is done, Oh ! my ...I can see I am still very angry... sorry for pouring it out here! Cry
Your story is going great. Please continue writing !Thumbs Up
Special thanks to whoever is helping you out... Amy/ Mano/ Diyu sa! and of course YOU.
ReplyDeleteApols for a delayed response.
Rudradev's yearning for his Paro is so soul stirring..
Will Paro too yearn for him in the future?
But for me both Rudra and Paro are truly god sent... so sorted .. can reach out to each other anywhere and anytime... and this .. you have portrayed amazingly in this chapter..
He misses her big time and there she is right behind him.. and he does not even need to turn around.. he just knows that she will be there... usney yaad jo kiya tha apni paro ko..
Waiting for the story to unfold further...
This update made fall in love with Parud all over again. It was so good to go down memory lane with Rudra and read about how he felt at the beginning when she was supposedly his witness. He obviously was drawn to her then itself else he would never have fought his feelings and handled her in such a rough manner.
ReplyDeleteThe part about how they meet in the terrace to sort out their differences. We saw that onscreen only once when he first spoke to her about Mala. This would have been such a sweet scene which I could have watched that for weeks. Thank you so much for a terrace scene.
Rudra is being so cute when is upset about not having time alone with his fiance. I can imagine Ashish playing that. And Myrah coming up to the terrace just when he needs her too, was great. That connection Parud shared is still there. I really want her to remember more.
Coming to Tejawat, who was the caller? He is being cautious but this mystery man is creeping me out a little. Who is he? What does he want? Why can't he just leave Paro alone? The girl barely remembers her past.
Thanks for the PM and the brilliant update.
An Excellent Update
ReplyDeleteI loved the whole passionate saga ...wasit that Rudra was remembering Paro right
I also find that Rudra may never come out of Paro's memories and he has to always tell himself it is Myra tht is front of him and not Paro
Beautiful update JJ...
ReplyDeleteThakur Sa is one smart villain...he knows all the tricks of the trade and is utilizing it by brainwashing the villagers..
Loved Rudra's whole thought process and the terrace sequence..Myrah reacting to him was beautiful...
so agree with aaliah! I'm still v angry too-cannot get over PARUD n so could never accept Myrah as Myrah. This post thats y is wonderful. Wish the RR team had shown some creativity too. Wonderful chapter. Just goes to show-months after RR has ended, we fans cannot forget our paro n rudra. Continue to watch RR1 on youtube n it is soo beautiful.In a month's time, RR1 wudve completed a year. Sigh. Miss u PARUD and thks JJ for keeping this alive. Kudos!
ReplyDeletep.s - ST and team will never revive RR-it will not happen, right? I don't hope for iy-I know its going to happen-but so wish it did!
Liked this update...Thakorsa's wait to let the story unfold..Rudra's impatience to be with love reliving their memories...
ReplyDeleteGIFs on the scenes...
Lovely update. Paro always reaches out to Rudr in her subconscious.
ReplyDeleteAwesome chapter again I loved all the reminisces from the show and of course Mano's edits - such beautiful memories - and then Myrah/Paro came to him- I too wish just like Rudra that she remembers for real asap and what will happen next? Intrigued! Neet2407
ReplyDeleteLovely chapter and Mano's collages just adds more beauty to it
ReplyDeleteSo thakur is smart. He is back to using his power and this is what i missed seeing in the show.
Poor rudra trying hard to stay away from Myrah / Paro. But the terrace scene was so nicely written.
Really waiting to see what Takur has in mind and Paruds story to move forward.
Thanks for the lovely updates JJ
That's sweet of u Praba.Thank u
DeleteBeautiful chapter with beautiful edits by Mano. Very poignant, very touching & brilliantly written.
ReplyDeleteThanks dear.Glad that ur liking the edits
DeleteHats, Bonnets, Pagdees, Patkas, Bowler hats, Pallus and Top Hats Off ! What a super retelling of a super serial ! Looove it gals/baisas !
ReplyDeleteWas on a work trip and caught up with 18, 19, 20 at one go, and what a heartfelt, overwhelming joy you've given me,,us! The entire story makes up for the vacuum created by the nonsensical death and decay of RR. This one, is plausible, believable, REAL, in its treatment of creating a miracle ! Rudra's angst, Paro/Myrah's confusion, and (oh I love you for it !) Aman's return with Sunehri (grinned when I realized how you led us to think otherwise and then let it out, that she did marry him !) and his still being Rudra's very best friend...what a lovely way to close gaps that yawned in the screen version,
I'm loving Rudra's saintlike patienceLOL with Myrah and the situation they are in...the fact that this man, can be so patient, willing to do what it takes, is sooo difficult to take, and yet, so believable because this is all he ever wanted - to have Paro back ! Embarrassed
And then, you go and get my all time favorite villian back ! Guys, you're mindblowingClap ! And that Tejawat isnt that idiotic cowering coward we saw back on telly...but the same arrogant, cunning, conniving, mastermind criminal who sways innocent/dumb folks to believe he is God. And his hanging Mala's portrait to remind him...wow , that WAS a winner.,,Star
Am gushing, and cant help it ! But, oh, only if, this could be enacted out ! I'd be on top of the world ! As it is, you've got me overboard with the beauty of the telling, the depth of the feeling and the sheer magic of imagining Rudra and Paro together in a miraculous about turn!
All I want to reiterate is a BIG THANK YOU ! Approve
PS - Could you send ST a copy of this? Who knows, he may just fall in love with it too and (please, please, please!) decide to actually get it to happen?Big smile
Sorry for the delayed comments JJ. It was a wonderful chapter. More so a romantic chapter.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts
Tejavat is a cold and calculative villian. Loved the way you took care of my earlier question. He would never forgive Rudra but was smart enough to not go after him immediately. His strength was his business and people's support, which he needed to build first. Very convinced with your justification.
The mole is indeed in the family but I doubt it is Mohini. That will be too cliched. But who could it be I just cannot figure it out.
Rudra didn't leave BSD in the guilt that he couldn't protect Paro. Actually he went after Tejavat with a vengance and almost decimated his empire. But something happened that he left his mission in midway and resigned from BSD for the better. Did he really ? If anything Rudra loved besides Paro it was his job. I too hope the reason is convincing enough.
Did you mentioned anything about Bapusa and Mala in earlier chapters. I don't recollect anything. Are they dead. In all the Rudra's past and his grieving phase that you have shown, nowhere is mentioned about them. He was close to them, were they not there to support him?
So now Rudra is love sick. Indeed for him his world begin and ended with Paro. He is even jealous of his own son. He needed Paro/Myrah alone with him and just like earlier she was busy enjoying the bliss of a joint family.
So Rudra is actually doing some work also. He is busy with a kidnapping case. As you have taken efforts to elaborate it, is it in any way connected to Tejavat. Because Tejavat did resort to kidnapping business also. Will this lead Rudra to Tejavat in anyway?
Though you not been a romantic person, the romance part about the rooftop sleeping is the kind of naughty romance that I can identify with you.
The three instances of Rudra's flashback shows their soulmate connection and also shows that Rudra was indeed the first one to fall in love.
The terrace scene was beautiful and subtle romance. As I said two kinds of romance give me goosebumpsd either the subtle kind or the intense kind. It has to be either of the two extremess no inbetweens.
Did you write this part also. I highly doubt.
The edits were so lovely and apt. Thanks to you, Diya, Mano for maintaining the essence of RR and for reviving their epic journey together for us.
Ok so to summarise, an awesome chapter.
Sorry for too many typos and spelling mistakes. Was writing it in flow, couldn't even correct it. Realized it only after going through the published version.
DeleteThanks dear.At least we can and be happy.
DeleteA word about MM's edits
ReplyDeleteAll her edit's are beautiful. But I esp. liked Chapter 20
Esp. cz it had my fav, Teju and also scenes from the early glory days of RR
And to top it all off, one of my all time fav. romantic scene - aanganwala scene, the moonchwala romance
How I wish that scene could have been longer
damn that thakur
ReplyDeletehe is back
and back with vengeance
not in their lives
but he is keeping track
which means rudra cannot let paro know she is paro
except he doesnt know about thakur
who is helping him out
as in keeping an eye on the going ons
guess shall know
awww rudra is missing his wife
and he wants to be with her
he lost lot of time being away from her
now he doesnt wanna lose more
but he is
terrace their place
seen so much
their romance
their love making
their roothna mannana
and it seems its gonna be seeing more of them
haiyye panga mat le
though she doesnt recall much of her past
but her heart doesnt let her down
man that was just perfect
hmmm how did he know you came there
the same way you knew he would be here
he was craving her wasnt he
she is so near and yet so far
but soon rudra soon this will pay off
like they say sabr ka phal meetha hota hai
she sure consoled him even when they didnt like one another
well pretended anyway
that was them and still the same