RR through our eyes (Chapter 21)
to Mano (Multimedia) for the edits.
to Amy for writing 404 words !!Thanks Diya for reviewing
Sunday brought lots of excitement and
happiness in the Ranawat family. Everybody was up and about early in the
morning including the children. Except the prospective bride and groom. Who
were quite tired after their late night adventures in the terrace. There is no
account of what transpired as it was quite dark. Windy. Chill and it was
raining. The only witness to the couple’s time on the terrace was the moon. The
full moon who peeped out of the clouds to have a glimpse of the long lost souls
after years.
It was Sunehri who barged in and woke
up Myrah. Myrah was in a dream world. Took her a while to open her eyes.
The sun rays brightened the room quite well. Still she felt
hesitant to get up. To let go of that nice cozy feeling. Her thoughts wandered
to last night when he had walked up the steps to the terrace. How she had been
in Rudra’s arms. How she felt as if she had reached her destination and did not
want to move away from him. She blushed thinking about how close they were. Him
whispering against her ears sweet nothings. And she trembling with feelings.
“Bhabhisa, abhi din mein sapnay
dekhna band kijiye. Aapke Maasa aur Bapusa aayenge na ab ? Don’t you want to be
ready by then ?” Sunehri’s words shook her out of her dream world. She wanted
to tell Sunehri she was not dreaming. She was remembering the previous night.
Well better to keep quiet. As such Sunehri is a big romantic at heart and has
been teasing her and Rudra from the moment she came. Sunehri is such a sweet
heart. Myrah could connect with her immediately. And Aman looked like a
reserved young man. His admiration and respect for Rudra was quite evident on
his face. Myrah liked him also instantly. Though she caught Aman looking at her
with a curious expression a couple of times. Maybe it is her similarity with
Paro that is behind it.
And it was Dhruv pulled Rudra out of
his slumber. And the first time they saw each other that day was in the
breakfast table. There was a knowing smile which transpired between them. Aman
did see that. Which made him immensely happy. Happy for his Rudra. And for
Rudra’s Parvati.
There were some major developments in
the kidnapping case and Rudra had to leave for the office. He was not sure
whether he will be able to be back before lunch. He checked with Myrah before
leaving whether she will be okay about his absence when her parents arrived.
She smiled and put him at ease, “ It is fine Rudra. It is more important that
you find the missing girls. We are all here. And I know my parents. They will
be fine.. Don’t worry. Please call me incase you will be
late.” Kakusa and Bhabhisa also told him to go ahead for his work.
They will do their best to make the Mehras feel at home. They assured him.
Rudra was thankful for once that he was part of a joint family. A man of few
words Rudra would have found it difficult to entertain the Mehras if he had
been alone. Even if he was present in the haveli.
Mathili was sitting with her daughter
Naina in the divan in the living room. Dressing her up after her bath. Talking
to her the only way a mother can to a baby. Words which make no sense to an
outsider. Words which will make only the baby respond with smiles and vigorous
movement of legs.
That is when she heard the car
arrive. She went to the door to greet the Mehras. Her first impression of them
was how good they looked together. The handsome Mehra and very traditional
pleasant wife Poonam. Rohit had gone to pick them up enroute. He was collecting
the luggages from the car. Maithili greeted them.
At first she was a little apprehensive
to talk to them. But it soon vanished when both of them talked in chaste Hindi.
By the time they reached the sofa in the living room, Kakusa had come down and
he took over. Maithili went to the kitchen to fetch water. Byt the time she
returned Mohini was also present. Poonam asked Maithili about her baby, about
how old she is, what is her name etc. Poonam was genuinely interested and
chatting with Maithili. Only once did her attention waver from the conversation
and Maithili looked back and saw the person who was the cause. It was Poonam’s
own baby – Myrah who was happily coming down the steps. After that it was such
a beautiful scene to watch. Myrah running to Poonam and hugging her. Mother and
daughter exchanging details about the flight. Rajeev who had given up listening
to Kakusa in the middle of a sentence and having eyes only for Myrah. Waiting
patiently for the mother-daughter dua to realise that he is also in the
equation. And his turn did come within a matter of seconds. There was only a slight
hesitation – probably because of the war of words they had
over Skype which Myrah told Maithili about – and after that
the mother-daughter scene was repeated with the father and daughter.
Maithili eyes were moistened looking at the affection the Mehras have for their
Myrah. She could visualize herself and Samrat in the same
position with their own baby – maybe not so vocal – but none the less
as far as love and concern go.
“Myrah, will you keep talking to them
here itself ? Or will you take them to their room ? Rohit had already
kept all the luggage in the first floor room.” Maithli asked Myrah hugging
her with one hand.
“Haan Jija. Jaa rahi hun. Mom, this
Jija is so strict. She is making me do lot of work here.” Myrah joked about
Maithili pulling her cheek.
“Yeah and that is needed also. Else
how can a lazy bum like you be expected to do any help ?” Rajeev replied
lightheartedly. By now he had seen only part of the family which Myrah adores.
And he could already see clearly why his daughter loves them so much.
“Where is Rudra, beta ?”
Kakusa inquired looking at Myrah.
“He had to leave for his office,
Kakusa. The case he was working for – you remember ? Something
urgent came up. He said he will try to be here by lunch time. “
“How can he leave like that ? He
should have stayed back to meet your parents. Why didn’t you stop him ?”
Shatabdi was not so happy about Rudra having left without meeting
the Mehras.
Before Myrah could reply Kakusa
pitched in,” Beta, kaam hai. It is a kidnapping case. Maybe the new
intelligence can crack the case. Am sure Rudra went because it was urgent.
I apologize on his behalf Rajeev-sa.”
“Oh no it is okay. Being a business
man I know how important sometimes office work can be. And how we have to be
present to take care of emergencies. It is perfectly fine. It is not like he
has gone out of station. We will meet him in the evening.” Rajeev assured
Danveer that all is well
Rajeev was actually happy that his
daughter has chosen a person who knows the importance of work. And though
nobody else noticed Poonam did. And she too was happy that Rajeev was pleased
though she herself was a bit disappointed that the future son-in-law did not
stay back to meet them. But other things in the haveli did please Poonam. That
this is a house where people (even the younger generation) can voice their
opinion. And discuss and debate, be heard. That the inhabitants of the haveli
are not one of those families where women are not allowed to speak. That Myrah
has got a Jija in Mythili who seemed to be a very level headed person. That
Kakusa has only genuine affection for Myrah. That the people around were not so
serious and strict. The presence of Sumer and Shatabdi and the petty fights
Mohini has with Shatabdi was enough to provide liveliness in the house. All
these made Poonam happy. Also that the haveli was so big and well kept. Allow a
mother some pleasures in the materialistic things which her daughter can enjoy.
Things which are in her life partner’s house and not provided by her own
Rajeev got ready fast and went down
and sat with Kakusa, Samrat and Aman. Discussed about Samrat’s business,
Kakusa’s BSD work before retirement and Aman’s current activities in BSD. While
Poonam was getting ready in the room , Myrah was talking away to glory. And
then four people entered Poonam’s room which made her take away the most
talkative person title from Myrah. But she was not sure on whom she should
confer this title now – Dhruv, Koel, Saurabh or Sunehri... It was a real treat
to see Myrah become one of them. Pulling their legs, sharing stories,
distributing the chocolates which Mehras had brought.
Poonam could not miss the bond
between Myrah and Dhruv. It was an unmistakable mother-son bond. She was
surprised to see it from her daughter who herself was a child. Usually children
do not always appreciate the father getting married again. But here there was
not even a trace of unhappiness or disapproval in Dhruv’s eyes. It was as if he
wanted Myrah to be with them. Always. And that brought
an indescribable relief to Poonam.
Shatabdi dropped in to get all the
children for lunch. Dining table was not big enough to fit all
of them. So children had their lunch first. And Sunehri also went down with
them. Which left Myrah with Poonam. “Are you okay beta ? Taking your medicines
on time ? You really scared us. Your father felt so guilty for getting angry
with you over the call.”
“I am fine Mom. I don’t know what
happened to me. You guys have all the right to be angry with me for changing my
plans. I should not have reacted the way I did. It was my fault. Is Dad okay
now ? Is he still angry with me ?”
“No he is not angry with you. He
misses you though.” The answer came from the door. Rajeev was standing there
looking at Myrah.
“Oh Dad. I am so sorry. Forgive me.
For changing my plans at the last minute. For making you come down in such a
short notice. I know you all wanted me to marry Rohit. But I can’t do anything
about what my heart feels. Haven’t you heard love is blind ? Can’t you give us
a chance ? Please be open minded when you meet Rudra. “
“Come on Myrah. You know us better
than that. At the spur of the moment I did shout at you. But have we ever gone
against you ? Why do you think we came here ? We wanted to meet Rudra
and family , to be sure ourselves that you have made the right choice. Don’t we
even have that right as parents? And yes, we and Rohit’s parents would have
been so happy if both of you got married. But then we are here. And let us not
talk about the past. Let us try to take it forward. We will discuss this later.
For now let us all go down and have lunch. And then we will take rest and be
ready to confront your prince charming with a questionnaire. “ Rajeev smiled.
Myrah was finally at ease. There
won’t be any war of words. “Can I add a few questions to the list?” she asked
playfully while all the three of them went down to the dining hall.
The kids
started eating their food as Myrah and her parents came down. Myrah smiled
looking at the kids and went towards them. She ruffled Dhruv’s hair and giggled
as he made a face and passed a smile to her. She always felt different with
Dhruv. Sometimes even she couldn't understand how she loved him
so much. Back in America she always used to get irritated with her relatives
kids and didn't like them in her house but with Dhruv she felt a very
strong bond, something pure and totally out of the world in
fact the day she met him in the bazaar she felt an instant
connection, an instant pull towards him. After meeting Dhruv her nightmares
about a baby crying inside the cupboard also have stopped. Is there a
connection? She wondered.
Her thoughts broke as Dhruv called
her. “What happened Mummy?” He asked puzzled seeing her lost in her thoughts.
“Nothing Dhruv. I was just thinking
about something” Myrah shook her head and smiled “What were you thinking Mummy?”
He was suddenly very interested in knowing what his Mummy is thinking.
“Oh actually I was thinking that
you’re not being a very good boy these days” Myrah said playfully and giggled
looking at his face. Dhruv’s face fell thinking he did something
he shouldn't have “Dhruv I’m just kidding. You are a very good boy.
Okay now eat your food” Myrah laughed again and gave him a small hug.
Dhruv smiled instantly and began eating his food again.

After few minutes Dhruv stopped
eating and pushed the plate away. Myrah frowned looking at him,
he didn't finish his food.
“What happened beta? Why aren’t you
eating the food?”
“I don’t want to have more, I’m full
till here” Dhruv pointed on his throat.
“Well Dhruv we don’t have our stomach
in our throat, do we?” Myrah laughed and continued saying “but at least eat few
more bites?”
“No Mummy, no more” Dhruv denied
“Please? If you want I can make you
eat” Myrah smiled knowing he won’t say no.
“Okay but not too much” Dhruv smiled
He couldn’t say no his mummy. Myrah
sat on the chair beside him and made him eat few more morsels of Aaloo Sabzi
with Roti. Myrah made him eat the lunch while talking about his school and soon
it was finished. Dhruv didn’t even realize that he ate it all until Myrah said
“You finished the food. Give me a
high five” Myrah grinned as they followed it with the gesture. She gave him a
glass of water and went to put the plates in kitchen.
Poonam who was a silent witness to
all the interaction was reminded of her own days with Myrah. The affection
which only a mother can have for the kid. The patience which nobody else will
have for the kid. Poonam was pleasantly surprised by the bond her daughter
shared with Dhruv - again. And viceversa. It was evident that Dhruv adored
Myrah. Poonam heaved a sign of relief. Her daughter was lucky – she has a
loving sister and a doting son.
Since Rudra was not back as promised
Myrah tried his number. Not once but multiple times. But she was not able to
reach him. She was upset not because he was not back. She knew there must be a
reason for him to do so. She was upset because he did not inform her. And she
was worried about him. But decided to not display it now in front of the
Soon the adults sat down for lunch.
It was filled with variety of dishes, lots of talking, chaos and
merriment. The dishes were made taking into account everybody’s
likes. There was at least one item which each person liked. And yes,
Mythili had taken care to check with Myrah about the Mehras’ choice too.
All the adults were sitting together
and passing around dishes. Little did the Mehras know that the change was
brought about by their own daughter. Mehras were pleased to see the family
include Myrah and Rohit as part of their own even though they had known them
only for the last couple of weeks. Even Rohit who used to take a lot of time to
be quite friendly with strangers was at ease in the haveli. Rajeev was happy to
see that the family is so lovely and warm towards everybody.
In the midst of all the discussions
Poonam asked Myrah, “ You have found a sister in Mythili and a son in Dhruv.
Have you also found a brother? ”
“Ofcourse. Aman” pat came the reply.
Even Myrah did not realise what she just said till she looked up from her plate
and saw a slight disappointment in Samrat’s and Sumer’s faces.
“That is not fair. Why not me ?”
asked Sumer. Samrat did not ask the question but it was evident on his face.
“You both have a sister. Aman lost
his only sister. So he is going to be my brother for life.” Myrah replied. It
was an answer which came straight from the heart.
All were satisfied with the answer.
Except Maithili and Mohini. Myrah looked at Maithili and she had a puzzled
expression. And Mohini had a look which clearly suggested that her brain was
working overtime. And finally Myrah looked at Aman. He kept looking at her. As
if he was seeing her for the first time. Then a smile slowly spread across his
face. A very genuine affectionate smile – specially reserved for his pyaari
behna. So she remembers after all – Aman thought.
Quote: Family isn't
always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who
accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile,
and who love you no matter what.
Hi JJ,
ReplyDeleteAnother beautiful Chapter.
Loved reading all the happy moments and the arrival of the Mehras.
A family that eats together smiles together!!
Myrah remembers Aman's sister....Paro's memory??
Missed Rudra.
PS. I check the blog for updates since I have it bookmarked. :)
Also, Great Edits Mano!!
Thanks Kerrie for being the first. And more importantly for bookmarking and checking for updates. Makes me so happy.
DeleteWe cannot just jump to the part where Rudra meets them - right ? Parents need to be satisified with the family as well. Hence this light hearted episode. Glad you liked it.
Yes Myrah remembering Aman - is Paro's memory.
Missed Rudra already ?
Thank u dear
ReplyDeleteNice Feel like reading it from Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteOh I really wish you do that Shruti. From Prologue please. And leave comments as and when you like it.
DeleteGreat chapter & edits JJKKL & Mano.
ReplyDeleteLoved it lots.
Oh! thank u
DeleteThanks Annahita. 404 words out of this chapter is written by Amy. Can you find them ?
DeleteNice update:-)
Jaya, thanks.
DeleteLet me start with the edits first. They were mind blowing , each & every one of it is so perfectly done. Mano even showed Anupam & Kiran at the door....now thats what I call ...Aaah! Brilliant.....unbelievably brilliant.....Can anything be more perfect than this? I think not....
ReplyDeleteNow coming to the chapter.. It was superbly written. JJKKL , you are getting better & better each time. I wouldn't be surprised if you end up becoming a writer.....though I didn't leave my comments on your last update but I read each one left by others & what Pinot ( hope I am not getting the name wrong ) said about you was BANG ON.....it was such a delight to read that & even more delightful was your response to it.......I remember I had a huge smile on my face when I read it & I was going to tell you this but then got busy & busier .....couldn't get around to doing so hence here I am mentioning that......
BTW loved the way Myra is still considered a child by her mom , so true it is na....no matter how old children get but for parents they always remain their little babies.....Thank you for bringing it out so naturally...& another 'thank you' for overall a lovely update.
Edits are always a treat to watch. Mano is the expert in it.
DeleteIt was Piccola1 who wrote the feedback. And yes I was quite thrilled with the comment.
And you made my day Navya. By saying that you wouldn't be surprised if I become a writer. Wah. I am so glad.
Glad you came back to tell me about the previous chapters. This is a light hearted chapter. The parents just seeing around and getting to know the people in the haveli.
Thank you for giving such nice comments.
FYI - 404 words were written by Amy. Can you find out which part is it ?
Sorry I don't know who Amy is , JJKKL & since I don't know I wouldn't be able to tell.....
DeleteI thought it was either Piccola or Pinot who wrote that lovely comment but wasn't sure , thanks for correcting .....& this light hearted chapter had a very pleasant feel to it & I can't wait for your next update where our Rudra will make his entry & meet Mehras....wow...looking forward to it .....and one more thing which I forgot to mention......I loved , simply loved the last paragraph where Myrah mentions Aman as his brother.....this has been written so beautifully....so so so beautifully that I can't even describe.....
Hi :p
DeleteI'm Amy :)
username on IF: Preggy
Oh dear.Thank u so much.Its really overwhelming.
DeleteThanks NavyaKavya for such nice comments. There was an episode where Aman mentioned his sister to Paro. That is one personal detail which will make him happy - right ?
DeleteWe are happy to have you as a regular reader.
Finally chapter 21.LOL
ReplyDeleteForgive me for commenting here as I was already here so decided to leave my comments here for you.
These days my time online is limited ... Anyways, loved the Mehra's interaction with the family. Poonam carefully observing as a mother would when it concerns her child.
Myrah instinctively calling Aman, bhaisa.
Loved Dhruv and Myrah's lunch scene
Now awaiting the Mehra's encounter with Rudra and rest of the story unfolding...
Yes finally !! Usually I post it on Mondays. But off late my weekends are dedicated to assignments. So am thinking of making the posts on Wednesdays. Hopefully I can post one per week at least.
DeleteEven with your limited time for internet I am glad you read our story and commented. Thanks a lot Mukti
Glad you liked some of the scenes. Can you guess which one Amy wrote ?
It's good that the Mehras are impressed with the Ranawat household. Half the job done. The bond between Myra and Maithili and Dhruv is so beautiful and can't be hidden. So she remembers Aman.
ReplyDeleteNow all that remains is the dulha raja.
Yes half the job done. And yes Dulhe Raja is missing :-)
DeleteThanks for reading and commenting custodian75
Wow I would have missed this update if I had not seen my email (I have subscribed to ur blog and hence get notification whenever you update) since I didn't find any PM from you for this update..
ReplyDeleteNice update JJ.. I loved how you showed that Myra found relationship with people who are not related by her blood..just like ur quotes states..that was very apt in the end..
Glad you made Myra's parents behave in sane manner after that phone fiasco..I was dreading a showdown..Now are you trying to harm Rudra..why is he missing?!!..Very curious...
And also very intrigued with Mythili's final reaction..Are you trying to show the dark shade of hers like she mentioned in RR initial interviews that her character is not all white..
Now with respect to your response to NavyaKavya comment, I have always known you have a writer in you JJ not coz of this FF but I have seen your awesome crisp takes inside Diya's thread and always admire your witty yet sensible writing..so its not a wonder for me that you can write so beautifully..
Mano fab edits as usual..I loved especially the ones which shows various reactions of mythili, mohini,etc..Good job girl..
Well the famous Amy's 404 words :)...I will have a guess Ok..Since JJ don't write hindi dialogs , I feel Amy have a hand in that...Don't thrash me if Iam wrong..a mere guess..:)
Overall a good team work gals..Well done..
Deeps di is that you?
DeleteWell nope that not my "famous" 404 words :p LMAO
I've written 2 paras :p guess again? :p
Nandri Deeps.Gald u liked it.
DeleteThanks Deepa for subscribing and checking the emails and reading and commenting and.....Ooh. For how many things should I thank you ?
DeleteDid not have time to send PMs yesterday. DId it today :-)
Mano is a dear and an expert. A rare find.
Your guess about 404 words is wrong. Please guess again, dear.
PS: Writing witty four review lines is much easier than writing pages of new story !! Glad you are liking it
Loved the update
ReplyDeleteFamily bonds Day
Just need our special major to enter the picture now
We are waiting too. Where int he world is he ?
DeleteThanks for the nice comments Lily
DeleteLoved the update. Finally getting the time to comment.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Mehra is won over by the affable Maithili and she feels comfortable with the idea of her little girl being a part of this household. I like how she sees the maternal nature of her daughter when it comes to Dhruv. And her memories of Myrah's childhood hurt when you realise that she is actually no more and this is Paro. How will the Mehra's be able to cope with the loss of their only child?
Mr. Mehra is warming up to Rudra seeing his dedication to his work and is fine with not meeting him as soon as he arrives. That's nice. I hope Rudy boy gets enough brownie points before his temper flares up.
Thanks Rithu for reading and commenting. Mrs Mehra is happy as of now with the family. I am not even thinking of the time when they come to know of Paro. So let us be happy for now
DeleteMr Mehra is just like a successful person - happy to see Rudra dedicated to work.
Waiting for Rudy boy indeed :-)
such a beautiful update! Smile whether she realizes it or not, paro is subconsciously acting as her true self - seems like maithili and mohini also just got a hint. and aman is already with rudra - hope evrythng works out soon - though the mystery of how paro became myrah is still there...
ReplyDeleteThanks dear. For reading and the comments. The mystery is for another time. Another day. For now things are just falling in place slowly...........
DeleteGood piece of work and excellent flow of ideas. A fresh breath of life that revives our interest for the much missed RR.Good work Jj and I look forward to read more of your proficient writings and conception. Keep it coming!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sheela. That was one of the nicest comments I got dear. Hope we can keep you happy going forward too.
DeleteThanks for introducing yourself Amy. Since I haven't read your work before so it's difficult to guess which part will be your contribution in this chapter. Actually I was never into reading FFs when the show was on air, I started reading them only afterwards hence must have missed yours .
ReplyDelete@Deepa....Did Geetanjli Mishra mention that her character isn't all white ?
Not sure whether Deepa will see this comment. But I also remember something to this effect in an interview
DeleteHii JJ,
ReplyDeleteNice n lovely update, beautifully write everyone interaction, Mehra's impressed by Ranawats, Myhra n Dhurav connection, myhra remember Aman's sister, myhra unconsciously do things which she was doing in past, love it, hopefully she gain her memory soon n then Rudra n Paro get marry
Thanx for PM
Thanx to everyone who helps in chapter (Mano, Amy, Diya )
Oh thank dear. AM really glad that you liked it. Hope she remembers things soon.
DeleteAnd can you guess the famous 404 words of Amy ?
Myrah unconsciously remembered that Aman sister had died and she considers him as her brother
ReplyDeleteHope things are not going to go crazy when Rudra returns
Thanks Seeta for commenting. Where is Rudra ? He has to return first. And yes, I also hope things will not go for the worse.
Deletemyra's parents have come.loved myruh druv scene.lovely pics too.poonam noticed myruh druv bond.hope she gets 2 know d truth soon
ReplyDeleteThanks Jasmine. Happy you liked it. We are also waiting for her to remember.....
DeleteA Beautiful Vibrant Update
ReplyDeleteLoved the whole family bonding and the Mehra's were genuinely impressed with the Ranawat's
Myra and Dhruv's lunch scene was just awesome
Glad you liked the lighthearted chapter. Hope we can keep you interested going forward too
DeleteNice chapter JJ... Myrah's mother is slowly getting impressed by the ranawats... She also has observed the bonding between dhruv and myrah...
ReplyDeleteAnd myrah's instant answer about her brother... Mohini is getting suspicious I guess.. we ll see whether anyone ll figure out the truth before being told...
Waiting eagerly for the confrontation between our hero and mehras...
Thanks Cutemithra. Myrah's mother is impressed. Now father has to be impressed. Glad you liked the chapter. Thanks for reading and commenting
DeleteNice dear. Nice mother I liked it
ReplyDeleteThanks Praba. Glad you liked Poonam
DeleteBeautiful update JJ. Mrs.Mehra impressed by the family already and Mr. Mehra with Rudra's dedication to work.... So far everything going smooth and it'll be less work for Rudra if he controls his anger and I'm sure he'll do it for his life "Paro". Subconscious mind retrieved the data from memory that Aman is Paro's brother given by Bholenath.
ReplyDeleteExcellent quote fitting perfectly for the chapter.
Awesome edits again Mano. Khers are perfect couple as Mehras and you made it real with your edits. Nice to see Aman's smiling face after a long time.
Amy couldn't figure out which paragraphs you wrote as they are blended in so nicely...Hats off!
Thanks Sushmitha. Half the job done as Poonam is impressed. And Rajeev is also fine as of now. Rudradev has to behave........Yes the quote was very apt. I have been saving it for use in the blog for quite some time now.
DeleteEdits are superb. Who is making it ?
You are giving up on the hunt for the 404 words ?
Thanks again for such wonderful comments
Family is not only about blood but the persons you let into your heart loved that her parents are seeing and understanding why she feel in love with this family and wants to be part of it so cute Myra and Dhruv bonding awesome update thanks for the email.
ReplyDeleteThanks DUMAS. Yes it was indeed needed that the Mehras were comfortable with the family and Dhruv as well. All said and done marriage is between two families ( at least in our society)
DeleteThanks for reading and commenting. Am glad you liked it.
Fantastic update JJ...loved the dynamics between the Mehras and the Ranawat family.
ReplyDeleteI like how u started off this chapter...the moon being the only witness to Rudra and Myrah's rendezvousBig smile.
Glad Rajeev found something to approve in Rudra...Poonam was the typical mother...making sure her daughter gets the best sasural and loved the way she was worried if Dhruv would accept Myrah into his life and how she saw the bond between the mother-son duo immediately...
My favorite scene though was the one when Myrah naturally accepts Aman as her brother...loved Aman's smile...
Hope Rudra is back from work soon.
Thanks Varshu. Am quite glad you liked it. You are the first one to comment about the starting of the chapter. I thought everybody will be waiting for some passionate scenes and will feel disappointed. But all seem to be okay with what was written.
DeleteNow I will share a secret. I just cannot write passionate scenes. So had to write that first scene to escape from that scene ...
Yes, that scene with Aman was needed to put Aman at ease and be more assured that this is indeed Parvati.
Thanks again for commenting.
Great update!
ReplyDeleteStart of the chapter; I was assuming you might continue from where the last update ended.
But I liked the line “The only witness to the couple’s time on the terrace was moon”.
Family scene; beautifully written. Loved how they interact with each other. And the way you can also bond with someone who is not related to you….awesome writing. Glad that Myra’s mother was impressed by Ranawat family.
The lunch part was lovely; the bond between Myra and Dhruv is lovely.
Myrah is starting to remember…waiting for that part to come.
And I hope that Rudra comes back from work soon!
Sent you twitter msg – my guess of 404 words of Amy.
Mano, lovely pic as always!
Thanks Mira. You are the second one to say something about the start of the chapter. Glad you noticed. The family scene had to be there - right ? After all Rudra Banna is an integral part of the mad haveli :-)
DeleteWe are also waiting for Rudra to make an appearance. Thanking you for the edits as well - from Mano's side
Lovely update as always JJ coupled with Manos lovely edits. Loved the Mehras edits and so well done
ReplyDeleteAplogies for the late reply. Asli duniya has become quite stressful now.
So Myrah and Rudra had a lovely time on the terrace and the Mehras arrive. Very nice to see the ranawats and mehras cordially greeting each other and they have got a good impression of the ranawats and that is a very good sign. So Poonam also stunned with the ease Myrah and Dhrv bond. The family get together was also well written and the last part of being aman's sister was so lovely that I actually could picturise it. Rudra is missing and hope he joins soon.
Thanks JJ for the pm
Thanks Praba. Glad you liked the chapter. Am so happy you found time to comment inspite of the busy AD.
DeleteConnecting Myrah to Aman - I always wanted to :-)
Family get together was needed for the Mehras to settle down
Nice update. Interesting and good going. Amazing edits. Well placed between the lines.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the PM.
Nice update JJ
ReplyDeleteHow Paro became Myrah - I can't wait for that to unveil
Myrah becoming Paro again - eager to see how that's going to shape up
This is my first FF in a long time, so when I read it I imagine how the actors would play them, it's especially fun imagining how Sanaya would do all these scenes Big smile
Rudra didn't get to meet his real in-laws as Paro was an orphan...
So now I am waiting to see his interaction with this in-laws...
My guess is everything will be fine, everyone will be happy and that's when Teju is going to strike Unhappy
About you not being able to write passionate scenes,
IMO Passionate scenes don't necessarily have to be intense or explicit, I find it more effective when it is subtle, when the writer just sets the stage and atmosphere and let the reader use their imagination Big smile
P S Loved the quote
Thanks Akila for reading and commenting. It is always a pleasure to read a long comment. To see a reader putting in effort to pen down the thoughts. So thanks again
DeleteI do exactly as you wrote. Imagine these are playing the part and think of the dialogues Big smile
We will have to wait for some more time for the mystery of that fateful day 7 years back. Right now waiting for Rudra Banna to be back
About passionate scenes - I agree with you. But even setting the stage I find quite difficult - CryCry
Yeah that quote was very apt. Have been saving it for some time now. Thanks again for such wonderful comments
Hi JJ, quite busy lately.
ReplyDeleteChapter 21:
I very much loved the first paragraph. Loved how though not explicitly detailing their terrace rendezvous you gave subtle hints to what transpired between the long lost lovers.
The rest of the chapter was dedicated to establishing a bonding between Myrah's parents and Rudra's family. The Mehra's also got to see a different side of their daughter.
Rajeev Mehra seemed relatively cooled down and at ease with the situation. Why? Shouldn't he have the anxiety for his daughter. Poonam I can understand. A mother always looks for the type of family her daughter would be married into while the father is more worried about the man whom his daughter will get married.
Still the real bomb is yet to drop. They still don't know about the similarity of Myrah and Paro's looks.
To me it seems like the calm before the storm.
Myrah's bonding with Aman was beautiful. She remembers things about the past. but nobody questioned her how did she know his sister died. Maithili seems puzzled but you didn't elaborate it further.
A nice update.
All our lives are becoming more and more hectic every day. Wonder what is happening Wink For me it was so hectic I could not even get enough time to think about the latest chapter.
DeleteAnyway thanks Reshma for finding time still and reading the story. Rajeev basically cooled down even before he started from US. When he came to know that Myrah fainted and had to be treated. He does not want to stir trouble. He is here with an open mind to meet the Ranawats and be as cooperative as possible. So unless he sees something very wrong with Rudra - he will not be negative about the choice.
Yes Maithili is puzzled. But she is not one who asks questions in front of all. She will wait for th right moment to ask Myrah.
Thanks for liking the first para. It was an escape route for me LOL
heyy !!!! I am late ...so sorry !!!
ReplyDeleteThe chapter is good in terms of laying a foundation for the Mehras' to accept Rudra and his family for their dear daughter Myrah. I am glad you covered all aspects here...that any sensible parents to daughters would look for in a prospective groom... a good house / family ...the customs and code of conduct in the family. This detailing has been done by you JJ and not Amy as per me because I think you have a critical / observant eye. Her 404 words are elsewhere in the chapter. I don't know if I am correct or wrong. Amy's would be the conversation parts.
I absolutely loved how Myrah subtely remembered that Aman's sister was no more and she was his sister then.
This is a very sweet chord you have touched here..will it play a part in future ???
Going to read the next chapter now dear... and another thing , you have chosen the most apt people to play the parents of Myrah... I mean the casting. It is easier to visualise them and play the story in mind.
thanks to Mano, Amy and you JJ for all the hard work put in here.
Glad you liked the chapter. It was a filler. But was needed. Because a marriage is not just between two people. At least not in India. The families have to gel well. Even if it is a love marriage.
DeleteMukti guessed the famous 404 words correctly. Please check the comments section in Chapter 22 in my reply to KhushiParo for details.
I always had the Khers in mind for Myrah's parents. Only such wonderful people can have a lively daughter.
Glad you liked it. Ruchi. Thanks a lot for the comments.
Two chapters!!! Sorry, couldn't read and reply in past two weeks as I had been busy.
ReplyDeleteChapter 21
Aww. I loved this part! One of my favorites! Myrah is recalling lots of things subconsciously. Her nightmare-like reality of putting 2-month-old, crying Dhruv in cupboard and her and Aman's relationship. No one has ever mentioned about Aman's loss. But she recalls it. I wonder when will she acknowledge this fact.
Aww and her parents are here! Love her bonding with them. I'm happy they are very open about Ranawats, and have warmed up to all the family members. Eagerly waiting for their meet with Rudra. All this makes me wonder how will they react to him? For some reason, I have a feeling that their meeting won't go well. Hopefully, it's in the next part!
Okay, rushing to read the next part and Rudra's meet with his Sasu and Sasur! Oh, I can't wait.
I have heard that people remember things in a very random manner. Not sure whether this is true. But the story is based on this assumption
DeleteAfter coming to know of Myrah's fainting - her father has toned down. He is after all an affectionate father. And does not want to lose his daughter under any circumstance.
Glad you are liking the story, Nine2. Your comments mean a lot to me. Thanks
beautifully written ! loved the quote on 'Family'
ReplyDeleteThanks dear. Did you read the Chapter 22 as well ?
Deletenice chapter... The Mehra's have finally arrived and are very much impressed by the Ranawat family. Poonam has a eys for details and she observes everythiing very carefuly. Hopefully Rudra will also be sucessful in impressing Myrah's dad when he returns.
ReplyDeleteMyrah /Paro remembers the fact about Aman's sister. I was just wondering if this will create any havoc now? Mohini's bells will ring now:how can Myrah know all this. As she hardly knows Aman and has met him for the first time now!! Maybe i am thinking too much about it..
Dhruv and Myrah's scene was nice and warm.
family isnt always blood related
ReplyDeletesome relationships just happen
though she is paro
but she doesnt recall them
in fact she has forgotten them
and yet there is a bond between them
the mehras dont know how much myrah has changed this house
had they seen the same house when paro was here
they wouldnt be so happy to marry her off into this house
but things have changed
and for the better might i add
aman huh as her brother
she did consider him as one back then
and so of course that relationship is still there
mohini and maithili are right to be puzzled
though the answer nyrah gave was satisfactory
but seems those two women are thinking along in different direction
hmmm poonam is pretty observant
and nothing wrong in it
seems the mehras will soon realise why myrah is so much in love with this family then
mother can forget her son
but some connections cannot be completely erased
and such is the bond between myrah and her son dhruv
thats why she didnt have trouble bonding with dhruv
hmmmm seems their terrace encounter sure changed things
and made things more dreamy
now the only person missing is rudra